Jane, a young professional who rents an apartment in downtown Toronto, had an incident. There was a leak in the apartment above that damaged her ceiling, carpets, floors, as well as some of her personal belongings. The neighbours above forgot to turn off the water and left the apartment, so it kept running and the entire place flooded. The neighbours had no proper insurance and took the hit of about $20,000 for the damages. Jane walked away with a $1,000 deductible and two weeks of fully paid alternative accommodations. It would have made sense for the neighbour to have tenant insurance because they would only have to pay the deductibles and save the trouble. Jane’s insurance arranged her with a temporary accomodation at no cost while the property underwent repairs. 

Water does more damage to homes than anything else out there. It’s the top reason for property loss in condominiums. This can happen even without anyone’s fault due to burst pipes, backed-up toilets, a leaking laundry machine, etc. 

Our Experience

Our Tips

Throughout our many years of experience in managing properties, the Dash team has collectively dealt with hundreds of similar cases. Despite the fact that we require all of our tenants to have tenant insurance, the neighbouring units are not always properly covered. We have seen how accidents have cost people a lot of money. Most of these costs could have been avoided if they had taken simple steps to acquire proper tenant insurance.

1. Choose the right tenant insurance

2. Double-check the damage claims

Our solution is exclusively for Dash tenants  

We can’t stress enough about the importance of tenant insurance. Therefore, we’ve come up with an offer that saves your money and provides the same excellent service you’re used to with the Dash team. 

Specialized insurance opportunity for renters*
  • Flat rate of 18$/month for any apartment size (one of the lowest on the market)
  • Convenience
  • Seamless customer service
  • Pay as long as you rent, not more   

*This offer is exclusive to Dash residents and clients.

Dash does not act as the insurance broker. Coverage is provided through insurance brokers themselves.